Teaching Jobs in Costa Rica
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Teaching Placements

Teaching Placement Overview
Salary range in USD per month |
$1000 – $1800 USD * * May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility. |
Salary local currency per month | 1000 – 1800 USD |
Saving potential in USD per month | $100 – $200+ |
Employment Type | Full-time |
Contract Length | 6 months, 1 year |
Placement Types | Local Language Academy, Online, International or Bilingual Schools |
Classroom Audience | Adults |
Classroom Age | Between 18 – 55 |
Classroom Size | Local Language Academy: 4-10 Online: 5-10 International or Bilingual schools: 30-40 |
Working Hours per week | 20 – 30 |
Days off | Online placements variable, for academies and schools: 2 days per week but may not be consecutive. |
Holidays / Paid Leave | Online placements have no paid holidays, for academies and schools: generally 8 public holidays (paid) |
Tax rate range for teachers | 10-20% |
Visa | Visa Exemption stamp on arrival |
Initial Enrollment to Arrival | 3 Months Minimum |
Top Placement Locations | 1. San Jose 2. Liberia 3. Heredia 4. Playa Del Codo 5. Tamarindo |
Teaching Placements
There are three main types of placement in Costa Rica:
Language Academy: language schools (majority adults but with some young learners attending)
Online Placements: Teaching remotely for an online school, which may involve teaching students from other parts of central and South America.
International or Billingual School Positions: Education degree holders should strongly consider coming on the December or July courses, when international school positions are most commonly available.
Language Academies
Local academies in Costa Rica are private language schools where students sign up to take English language courses.
Teachers will work with small groups of students: typically between 4 to 10 students. Evening teaching is most common, shortly followed by morning classes. This works well as it leaves the best part of the day to enjoy the sunshine in Costa Rica.
Teachers will typically work 20 – 30 hours per week. Hours will be mixed throughout the day. Most teachers working at academies will start off with part time hours before moving up to full time hours.
For the first month until classes have built up, teachers may need to supplement with online classes or savings. Pay is hourly, usually from $7 to $12 USD per hour. On average academy teachers will earn around $900 – $1300 USD per month.
The most common demographic of English language learners in Costa Rica are young learners aged 5-12 and adult learners.
Professionals: There are many professionals in their 20s, 30s and 40s that are looking to learn English to benefit them in their jobs. These may be people in corporate positions, or in technical fields such as engineers or medical professionals. They are often learning English to gain an extra skill to help them progress in their careers. Some language schools even work with corporations such as Amazon and P & G and teach their students business English.
Young adults: There are many learners that have left high school, but haven’t gone on to university that want to gain a practical skill that will increase their employability. They are people that are looking for a skill that will help them gain employment in key sectors such as tourism.
Young learners: Participants working at local academies will less commonly work with young learners. Most academies have 70% adult learners and 30% or less young learners. Some don’t have any young learners at all.
Online Schools
Lots of teachers in Costa Rica choose to work in online positions full time. This gives location independence and schedule flexibility.
Participants commonly work online for Central American organisations. So they may have students from Costa Rica, Mexico, Chile or elsewhere!
It is common to work for more than one organisation to maximise teaching hours.
Tutoring: There are lots of positions where participants will work one to one with their student. These are often professionals that want to learn English for a practical reason, so opt for one to one learning for a more tailored approach rather than a group class.
Small Group Classes: There are positions with local language schools and Central American organizations where participants will teach small group classes.
There are positions teaching adults and positions teaching children.
International or Bilingual Schools
These positions are much less common but sometimes obtained by qualified teachers.
They generally pay over $1000 – $1800 USD per month. They follow the school year so typically hire in January and need teachers to commit to at least one year.
These positions are much less common outside of January but do come up occasionally. They are great opportunities for qualified teachers or bilingual teachers. Whilst we can’t guarantee them we will endeavour to place qualified teachers taking the course in December in these higher paying positions.
Earning Potential
For language academies and online schools how much teachers earn depends on how much they work.
Occasionally there is a difference in pay based on whether they are working at peak or off peak times and whether the class is business or general English.
Frequency of pay will depend on the school, some pay weekly, others pay monthly! Monthly is most common.
Costa Rica has a lower cost of living than participants may be used to in their home country, however it is not super cheap. Beach areas in particular are more expensive. Pay is enough to cover the cost of living but will not typically stretch to a lot of trips and activities so it is best for participants to bring some savings for these!
Working hours
For both language academies and online positions the hours teachers work will be irregular.
The most popular times for classes are in the evenings and the mornings are also popular for classes. So teachers may work for a few hours in the morning, then log back on in the evenings. This works out well for being able to be outdoors enjoying the Costa Rican sunshine for the best part of the day!
International schools or bilingual schools follow the traditional school day.
Placement locations
There are language schools across the country but the greatest concentration of language schools is in the central valley – one of the most populated areas of Costa Rica.
Most in person language academy placements are in the central region rather than by the coast. We have international school positions both closer to the coast and in the central valley area.
Holidays in Costa Rica
There are 12 public holidays each year in Costa Rica. These are typically, but not always, days off for teachers.
Schools may provide additional paid leave days but this is not 100% guaranteed particularly for contracts less than one year.
Most schools are closed during Christmas and easter week. The exact vacation allowance across each school will differ but rough outline can be found below:
Online Teaching Positions
Paid Annual leave?
- Each school has their own policy. Teachers can generally request time off in advance and as long as they can still work a minimum number of hours in the month (sometimes around 16hrs/month).
Unpaid leave?
- If teachers make an effort to get their shifts up for pickup they are usually pretty understanding and most of the time the shifts get picked up.
Sick leave?
- There is no sick leave. If they have a class they can put it on a pickup board, however if nobody takes it they are liable for it. Whenever they miss a class/shift they have to submit a form explaining what happened.
Academy Positions
Paid Annual leave?
- Paid leave is generally provided on public holidays if the teacher usually has scheduled classes on that date.
Unpaid leave?
- Generally schools will close over the Christmas and Easter breaks for one week. Teachers typically take unpaid leave during this time.
Sick leave?
- Some schools will pay sick leave for the times they were due to work but others will
not. Teachers are paid hourly without guaranteed hours so sometimes schools won’t pay for hours not worked.
International School Teaching Positions
Paid Annual leave?
- Paid leave is generally provided on public holidays if the teacher usually has scheduled classes on that date.
Unpaid leave?
- Generally schools will close over the Christmas and Easter breaks for one week. Teachers typically take unpaid leave during this time.
Sick leave?
- Some schools will pay sick leave for the times they were due to work but others will not. Teachers are paid hourly without guaranteed hours so sometimes schools won’t pay for hours not worked.
Visa Trip
Visa waiver is automatically given upon arrival to citizens of United States, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
Citizens from these countries can enter for a maximum stay of up to 180 days.
Due to the difficulty of getting a work permit in Costa Rica, many schools prefer for teachers to work in Costa Rica without a visa.
This is widely commonplace and there are no risks or challenges.
Teachers can technically ‘sell their professional work services’ on a tourist visa. The only inconvenience is that teachers need to do a visa trip every 180 days, leaving to a neighbouring country and returning for a new 180 day visa.
Teachers can do this as many times as they want with no issues, providing they meet exit and entry requirements. Teachers typically go overland to Nicaragua or Panama. The cost of an overland trip is low and can be done in a weekend.
It is possible to get a work permit and some schools do offer that but typically only for year contracts or longer. The process is that teachers first get a temporary residence permit. This permit takes approximately 90-180 days to process. Once obtained, a work visa is required. This takes an additional 30 – 60 days. This is a lengthy and difficult process hence most schools do not follow this process.
Don’t worry, we’ll talk you through the whole process, explain all your options and guide you every step of the way!
Guaranteed Job Placement
We find you a teaching job or jobs to ensure you have the maximum work hours allowed under your visa.
You could spend your own time trying to find your own teaching position.
But this can be time-consuming and stressful because you’ll have to wade through a myriad of risk factors and paperwork when evaluating teaching positions.
These can include but are not limited to:
- Work visas, relevant permits and documentation
- The interview process
- The credibility of the school
- Your safety at the school
- Understanding contracts, contract length and hidden clauses
- Payment terms and what happens in the event of non-payment
- Taxes
- Teaching philosophy and environment
- Teaching materials
- School code of conduct
- Local staff support and English proficiency
- After school activities and requirements
- Disciplinary processes
- And many more considerations!
So you might find a job but you’ll be unprepared from a teaching, cultural, financial and emotional perspective.
We take the pressure and stress away from you by guaranteeing your job placement and providing peace of mind support
- We guarantee you a teaching job in carefully vetted and trusted schools where every effort is made to match placement preferences.
- You can focus on enjoying your new lifestyle knowing your income of $1000 – $1800 USD is secured.
- We’ll explain all the paperwork, contracts, taxes, work hours, requirements and responsibilities.
- We guide you through everything you need to know before you depart to Costa Rica and from the moment you touch down, you’ll continue to receive peace of mind 24/7 support from our in-country team who will be on hand for you throughout your placement.
- We’ve all taught abroad before and, having placed over 2200+ participants around the world, know the key to success is well-trained, culturally-adjusted, and emotionally-supported teachers. Read more about our teaching placements.
Expert guidance and support
Our experts will explain the program and answer all your questions.
Lifetime Placement Guarantee
Once you’ve taught in one of the TravelBud schools, we can guarantee you a position at another partner school in any of our destinations for which you are eligible on your program line, at no additional charge to you.

- Pay one fee and you’re able to teach in any partner school on your program line as long as you like.
- It’s a once-off fee for a lifetime of opportunities to make a difference in the lives of your students and travel the world in a sustainable way.
- For example, once you’re finished in Costa Rica you can travel over to South Korea or Vietnam and experience a whole new cultural adventure.
The following costs make up the program fee and are payable to TravelBud before you head over to Teach English in Costa Rica.
Currency Converter
Change to your currency. Default prices in US Dollar (USD). Please take note that the amount reflected above is based on the current exchange rate and may fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility on the day of being invoiced.

scroll horizontally to view full table. Tap the + icon for more information.
Option 1In-Class TEFL & Placement | Option 2Placement Only | ||
Enrollment Deposit | | |
Comprehensive pre-departure support and guidance |
Personalised one-on-one Support |
Visa Guidance |
Your questions answered |
Online TEFL Fee | Not applicable. | ||
Final Program Fee, Guaranteed Job Placement and 24/7 Support | Final Program Fee$2200 | $1400 | Due 12 weeks prior to your selected intake date. |
Guaranteed Job Placement |
24/7 In-country support |
Lifetime Teaching Placement Guarantee |
TEFL/TESOL Course | (4 weeks in-country) |
Internationally Accreditated Certification |
Practical Teacher Training in-class |
Airport pickup and transfer Subject to correct arrival times |
Airport Assistance Info & guidance on trains/taxis/buses and routes | Not applicable. | ||
SIM Card Included |
SIM Card guidance |
Local bank account guidance |
Shared Accommodation | (1st month in-country) | (1st week in-country) |
Cultural Orientation including excursions | (1 week) | (1 week) | In-class TEFL participants experience:
Online TEFL & Placement Only participants experience:
Lesson Plan templates and resource directories |
Support Network |
Self-development and advantageous future employability |
Total Fee | 120 Hour In-Class TEFL$2799 | Placement Only$1999 | Default prices in US Dollar (USD). Please take note that currency converted pricing is based on the current exchange rate and may fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility on the day of being invoiced. |
Expert guidance and support
Our experts will explain the program and answer all your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How much does it pay to teach English in Costa Rica?
You’ll earn around $800 – $1800 USD* (30,000 to 45,000 Thai baht) per month.
* May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility.
Moving to another country to live and work is a big step and we realise that safety can be a concern.
What do TravelBud staff and teachers say about safety in Costa Rica?
Costa Rica has a low crime rate and plenty of infrastructure to support foreigners. In fact, Costa Rica is ranked the safest country in Central America to live and travel in.
How are the authorities?
There is no military in Costa Rica and law enforcement is carried out by national police. The police are generally very helpful towards foreigners. Drug-related offences are taken very seriously by Costa Rican police, due to the high incidence of drug trafficking in Latin America.
24/7 On-the-ground Support
Our on-the-ground support staff provide you with personal assistance throughout the duration of your teaching experience.
You can rest assured knowing that any queries will be answered such as emergencies, travel options, translation help, culture shock, legalities, or school queries.
Someone is on hand.
Is English spoken in Costa Rica?
Basic English is quite widely spoken, but not everyone you meet will speak English. But with the help of English language education provided by you and other teachers, the English literacy rate is consistently improving.
Do you need a degree to teach English in Costa Rica?
In most cases you will need a bachelor’s degree to teach English in Costa Rica. A degree IS NOT required for USA and Canada applicants.
If you are a non-degree holder please see our Teach English in Cambodia and Teach English in Myanmar programs.
How many days off do I get? When are the Costa Rican school holidays?
You’ll get at least 8 official national holidays (if they fall on work days) and you can generally request vacation leave as well, depending on your contract. It will also depend on your contract whether vacation days are paid or unpaid.
As the majority of teaching placements available in Costa Rica are at private language schools which operate year-round, you won’t receive school holidays.
Can participants choose part or full time?
Our Placements are for 6 months or 1 year and can be renewed if you’d like to stay and continue to teach English in Costa Rica for longer.
When is peak hiring time for English teachers in Costa Rica?
Peak hiring time for English teachers in Costa Rica is in December and June. That being said, we have an extensive school network and can facilitate placements throughout the year in Costa Rica.
What is the main religion in Costa Rica?
The dominant religion in Costa Rica is Christianity, mostly Catholicism.
Are teachers in high demand in Costa Rica? Why?
Yes, teachers are in high demand in Costa Rica. The Costa Rican government places great emphasis on education and Costa Rican people are highly motivated to learn English because of the employment opportunities it can unlock for them. English language education also unlocks a lot of growth opportunities for the country’s economy as a whole.
Do students have to learn English in Costa Rica?
English is not offered as a school subject in all government schools in Costa Rica. Although literacy rates are high, resources are limited and as a result most schools don’t yet have the facilities to offer English education.
Many young adults however choose to learn English at language centers after their school years, who will most likely be the students you will teach.
Do schools in Costa Rica accept Online TEFL/TESOL certificates?
Online TEFL/TESOL certificates are not generally accepted in Costa Rica.
There are limited exceptions to this and we consider those on a case-by-case basis.
We offer an internationally accredited in-country TEFL/TESOL course that thoroughly prepares students for teaching English in Costa Rica.
Refer to the TEFL/TESOL Accreditation section for more information.
How long does it take to get TEFL/TESOL Certified in Costa Rica?
It takes approximately 4 weeks to complete our TEFL/TESOL course in Costa Rica. This includes our one-week cultural immersion course part, 16 hours of observed practical teaching in a local school (Please note: Due to COVID-19, this practical may be subject to change and is most likely to take place online.), and a guaranteed job placement at one of our strictly vetted schools at the end of the course.
What are the benefits of completing the 120-hour In-class TEFL/TESOL Course?
TravelBud’s in-class TEFL certification course in Costa Rica is customized to ensure that our TEFL graduates are as prepared as possible for both the classroom environment they will be teaching in as well as the cultural environment they will be living in.
Through multiple in-depth lessons led by experts in the field on Costa Rican culture, history, and politics, 6 hours of Spanish language lessons, and cultural excursions and activities, there is no other TEFL/TESOL course geared to helping you immerse responsibly in Costa Rican culture and society better than TravelBud’s TEFL certification in Costa Rica. You can expect to visit a traditional local coffee plantation, historical museums, enjoy a welcome dinner, an authentic cooking class, and more.
You will also receive the benefit of practical in-person training which includes 16 hours of real-life teaching practice in a local Costa Rican school, after which you will receive invaluable feedback from your instructor before heading off to your placement.
Not only will you gain a strong foundation on Costa Rican culture but you will make life-long friends with people from all walks of life who are embarking on the same adventure as you.
I have already completed a TEFL/TESOL course elsewhere. Do I still need to complete TravelBud’s course in Costa Rica?
This may be possible for degree holders. With many courses out there not being accredited and providing the necessary training, our placement team will first need to review your certificate before accepting you for our Placement Only option.
Can you guarantee me a job once the TEFL/TESOL Course course has ended?
Granted we have confirmed that you are eligible to teach English in Costa Rica after reviewing your application, meet the other minimal requirements, and you pass the in-class TEFL/TESOL course, we can 100% guarantee you a job placement at one of our vetted school partners at the end of our TEFL course.
Do schools pay you a fee/portion of my salary?
No, TravelBud and our partners DO NOT receive a portion of the teacher’s monthly salary.
Can my friend or partner come with me to Teach English in Costa Rica?
Yes! We provide friends and couples with placements in the same areas and sometimes even at the same schools.
What are traveling costs like in Costa Rica?
It is possible to travel affordably in Costa Rica, but it depends how you want to do it. Budget travelling, using public transport, will take longer but save you money. Taxis will be more expensive.
Because it is a popular tourist destination with a large expat community, travel costs are rising, but if you budget effectively, you can still travel around at relatively low cost. Our in-country and pre-departure support teams will give you the best advice possible to help you budget carefully.
How safe is it in Costa Rica?
It is relatively safe with petty theft being reported at times. Like anywhere else it is recommended that you remain alert of your belongings. Costa Rica is one of the safest countries in Latin America.
What about Medical services and insurance?
Medical services are efficient in Costa Rica. If you need medical attention, you can go to either a public or private medical facility.
What does the average meal cost?
A local meal will cost $3 – $8 (USD) whereas international food catered for tourists will cost $10 – $20. Depending on your preference and budget, you can eat quite cheaply.
Where am I going to stay and how much will the accommodation cost me?
You will be guided towards the best accommodation options for you.
Homestays will be cheaper – in the region of $100 per week, with meals often included. If you want to share an apartment with a fellow teacher, you will probably be paying $200 – $300 each per month. It’s most common for English teachers in Costa Rica to live in a shared apartment.
Our 24/7 in-country support team will be on hand to assist you with finding the best accommodation for you.
Is airport pick-up provided?
Yes, airport pick-up is provided as long as you land within 4 days prior to the start of your TEFL/TESOL course intake.
What are the age groups you will be teaching?
Most of our placements are at language centers teaching young adults.
After the contract can you still travel in the country or do you need to leave immediately?
You can stay as long as you like as you maintain a legal Visa status. You might need to leave the country soon after your contract ends and come back in on a tourist visa if you’d like to travel.
What is the possibility of acquiring a second job to make more money?
It is possible, although this depends on your job placement. If you are motivated to pick up extra work, this can probably be arranged through your language center.
What are the authorities like?
The authorities are genuinely helpful and professional. They should be treated with respect as in your own home country.
What is phone and Internet connectivity like in Costa Rica?
WiFi is very good in Costa Rica, so you will be able to use your devices as in your home country.
What if you are unhappy in a job? Can you get a new one?
Yes, but we don’t often find this to be a problem. If the teacher really dislikes their job and they have a good reason, we can move them to an alternative placement within our vetted school network. This however can take time.
What is the dress code for teaching English in Costa Rica?
Smart-casual. Typically collar shirts for men and semi-conservative dress for women. As a teacher, you need to appear professional at all times. For women, skirts and dresses are most commonly worn. And remember, there are mosquitos in Costa Rica so wearing long pants and sleeves can be desirable, even in the heat.
Must the teachers have CV’s or Resumes?
Yes, it is vital for the job placement process for people wanting to teach English in Costa Rica to submit an updated version of their resume or CV during TravelBud’s pre-enrollment application process.
Our placement team will work with you to format your CV/resume according to what the schools are looking for to increase your chances for obtaining a sought after placement.
Packing essentials? Sleeping bag, towels?
All our participants are provided with a detailed packing list before departing for Costa Rica. You can get all the essentials in the country, but it is not necessarily cheaper than back home, so it’s best to bring all your basics which we will guide you through.
Any serious laws that are very strict on in Costa Rica?
Drug possession and trafficking is taken very seriously in Costa Rica and in the rest of Central and South America.
What is the level of English and general behaviour of students?
This will vary. Literacy levels are high, so you can expect students with a good basic English proficiency but everyone is different so not everyone will be a quick learner.
Do your colleagues speak English?
You will be teaching with other first language English speakers at the language centers, most of which will come from the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Will you work with any special needs children?
What are the chances of teaching English in neighbouring countries?
TravelBud does not offer any other teaching programs in South America at the moment, but we offer teaching programs in Myanmar, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Thailand.
And with our free Lifetime Placement Guarantee, you can opt to teach in any of these countries through TravelBud absolutely free of charge, once you’ve successfully completed your contract in Costa Rica and provided you meet the requirements of the program.
Are all paperwork and books supplied by the school?
Yes, most of the time. You will also have access to a database of lesson plans, printable graphics, class warmers and flash cards.
What happens if you lose your job? Can you get a new one?
If you are fired, TravelBud and our partners will no longer help with job placement. It’s important that you meet the performance requirements and contractual obligations of your school employer.
Can you drink tap water?
Yes you can, although it is not always recommended in rural parts of the country. You will advised about this during your first week on the program and the locals are always a great source of information.
I am so glad I found this program!
TravelBud helped guide me through the process and matched me with the program I did once I arrived to Costa Rica. I always felt like I had someone in my corner who was looking out for me. They are responsive, helpful and genuinely wanted to help make my transition and time in Costa Rica the best it could be!
A life changing experience
The transition into living overseas was smooth, organized, and supported every step of the way. I am a solo traveler, but being a part of this program gave me a sense of community from the very beginning of my journey. I now have a job that allows me to travel internationally, and nothing is more exhilarating than the sense of freedom you receive from that.
We’re here to help
We’ll answer all your questions and guide you every step of the way!