Teach English in South Korea

TravelBud Enrollment Coordinators

TEFL/TESOL accreditation

Including cultural orientation

Guaranteed job placement

Earn $1600 – $1750 USD* (2.1 to 2.3 million Won) per month
* May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility

Do you want to find out more about Teaching English in South Korea? Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!

Why Teach English in South Korea?

  • If you are in search of a 1 year vibrant experience teaching, traveling and earning great money abroad ($1600 – $1750 USD* – 2.1 to 2.3 million Won) per month, this is the perfect program for you. * May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility
  • South Korea is the perfect destination for those looking to move to a developed country with an extremely high earning potential and an opportunity to gain invaluable international teaching experience.
  • You’ll be able to save up plenty of money for travel as teachers also get free furnished housing, airfare reimbursement, paid holidays and health insurance coverage.
  • All contracts are for a minimum of 12 months and are renewable.
  • The cost of living is high in South Korea but with such strong earning potential, you’ll be able to travel and bring back savings after your adventure abroad.

Travel Opportunities Teaching English in South Korea

South Korea is a small country with diverse landscapes and many beautiful and interesting places to visit. Between long weekends and paid leave, you’ll be able to explore the country and even pop over to nearby countries like Japan and the Phillipines. With your end of contract bonus and one way ticket airfare compensation, travelling at the end of your contract is also very affordable. For more ideas, read our resource on 10 Awesome Overseas Vacation Ideas for English Teachers in South Korea. We’d love to offer advice and suggestions for exciting travel experiences in and around South Korea.
Woryeonggyo Bridge is the longest footbridge made of wood in Korea.

Woryeonggyo Bridge is the longest footbridge made of wood in Korea.

The Seoul Lantern Festival is an annual festival held every November in Seoul in South Korea when hundreds of lanterns decorate the public recreation space of Cheonggyecheon

The Seoul Lantern Festival is an annual festival held every November in Seoul in South Korea when hundreds of lanterns decorate the public recreation space of Cheonggyecheon.

The Asan Gingko Tree Road is lined with towering trees, the leaves of which turn a golden yellow in the fall.

The Asan Gingko Tree Road is lined with towering trees, the leaves of which turn a golden yellow in the fall.

Explore South Korea's grand palaces.

Explore South Korea’s grand palaces.

Full-service Placement Process

It can be scary and intimidating traveling to a foreign country and the complex documentation and requirements can be overwhelming and confusing.

We know. We’ve all taught abroad before.

That’s why we don’t just find you an oversees teaching placement, we support you throughout our entire teach abroad experience!

TravelBud Placement Services

TravelBud Guides you through your Teach Abroad Adventure


Here’s how we help

  • Everything explained clearly. We’ll walk you through each step and make sure you’re prepared.
  • We help you plan. From what to pack to what documents to gather when.
  • Guaranteed job placement. We place you in carefully selected and reputable schools in South Korea.
  • Accredited TESOL and cultural orientation. We provide the essential courses to help you succeed abroad.
  • 24/7 support. Once you arrive in South Korea we’ve got your back in an emergency or to answer any questions.

With TravelBud, you’ll always be talking to someone who has taught or volunteered abroad before, so you’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide and prepare you for your experience.


based on 10 recent reviews

Read all our reviews on GoOverseas
Teach English in South Korea with TravelBud

Experience your own unique cultural adventure by teaching and traveling in South Korea with TravelBud.

Do I Qualify To Teach English in South Korea?

You don’t need to have any teaching experience to teach English in South Korea. You do need:
  • A passport from the UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand
  • A bachelor’s degree in any field – Complete and certificate in hand (Letter of graduation not acceptable)
    • GPA 2.5 or above
    • For Canadian applicants – French speaking universities not accepted
  • A 120-hour, internationally accredited TESOL certificate or equivalent qualification
  • Ideally between the ages of 21 – 40 years old

How long is the teaching contract for?

  • Placements are for a minimum of 1 year and can be renewed if you’d like to stay in South Korea for more than a year.
In addition to the above requirements, the following is required to be eligible to teach English in South Korea as stipulated by local authorities:
  • No Criminal History (100% clean)
  • Willing and able to commit to a 12 month contract
  • Tattoos or Piercings – Nothing visible or extensive (You will need to document and declare all of them in your application)
  • Must be in excellent mental and physical health, all medical conditions need to be declared.
    • You may not be allowed onto the program if you have ever been diagnosed with any mental, neurotic or emotional disorder. Also, you may not be allowed onto the program if you have had any treatment or taken prescription medication within the last 12 months for any above classified disorders or for the treatment of anxiety or depression even if not officially diagnosed. Chat with us to discuss this in detail.
    • No history of infectious diseases.
    • No narcotic drug or alcohol addictions in the past 5 years.
    • No history of mental/neuro/emotional disorders.
    • Other: Allergies, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes.
  • No dependents. This program is not designed to support teachers who want to go to South Korea with their family/children. We unfortunately cannot accept anyone who intends to go to South Korea with dependents.
  • Married couples may be placed together. Unmarried couples need to be prepared to work at different schools and live apart.

What if I don’t have a TESOL certificate?

We offer both in-class and online TESOL courses to prepare you for your adventure abroad. Read about our TESOL courses below to learn more. If you’re unsure about any of your qualifications, chat to us! We’ll answer all your questions and do our best to accommodate you.
TravelBud’s Grace Martens, trying on traditional Korean Hanbok during her cultural orientation

TravelBud’s Grace Martens, trying on traditional Korean Hanbok during her cultural orientation.

Experience South Korea's rich history and culture.

Experience South Korea’s rich history and culture.

Korean winters can be cold! Luckily there’s no end to the supply of delicious, hot and spicy food plus plenty of Soju (Korean rice wine) to keep you warm!

Korean winters can be cold! Luckily there’s no end to the supply of delicious, hot and spicy food plus plenty of Soju (Korean rice wine) to keep you warm!

Teach English in South Korea TESOL Courses

Many TESOL courses are not accredited and do not provide adequate preparation for teaching. That’s why we highly recommend completing the 120-hour in-class TESOL in South Korea. It will give you the best possible preparation and ensure that your students get the best education. Located just a few stops away from the vibrant city of Seoul, the in-class TESOL in Incheon, South Korea offers incredible insights into a fascinating culture, as well as expert training in TESOL from experienced instructors. Cultural orientation highlights include a trip to the majestic Gyeongbokgung Palace, authentic Tae Kwon Do instruction, and Korean language lessons.
Students at the In-Class TESOL course in Incheon.

Students at the In-Class TESOL course in Incheon.

The TESOL Course is a 4 week course which takes place in Incheon, South Korea and is tailored specifically for those preparing to teach English in South Korea. It consists of a 1 week cultural orientation program followed by 3 weeks of theory and practical learning. You’ll also get to meet fellow teachers and forge new friendships while participating in exciting cultural activities and excursions. If you want to teach and travel before this date, then our South Korea Online TESOL course will be perfectly suited and gives you the accreditation you’ll need for teaching English in South Korea. TravelBud’s South Korea online TESOL course is tailored specifically to teaching English in South Korea and includes the following:
  • 120-hour online training completed over 4 weeks
  • 1-week Korean culture and language orientation
  • History and theory of teaching English as a foreign/second language
  • Modules on how to teach English speaking, reading, listening, and grammar in South Korea
  • Modules on classroom management and teaching English to young learners in South Korea
  • Extensive lesson plan development and presentation and feedback both from peers and instructors
  • Tons of tips, tricks and examples of how to teach English to every age group in South Korea
  • One-on-one Skype presentations and lessons with TESOL instructors
  • Advice and guidance for effective classroom management
  • Internationally accredited TESOL certificate and personalized letter of recommendation from your instructor
TravelBud provides all accepted applicants with a guaranteed job placement at a reputable school in South Korea. Once in South Korea, you have the option of choosing to do a cultural orientation in Seoul. This course takes place twice a year and classes and excursions will take place over four consecutive weekends. Classes will be held on Saturdays and Sundays in the capital city of Seoul. The course involves active-learning cultural excursions to various sites of cultural and historical significance including:
  • Insadong neighborhood of Seoul which once housed the largest market in the world for antiques and art
  • Gyeongbok Palace, commonly known as the Grand Palace, the largest of 5 grand palaces in South Korea
  • Traditional South Korean broadway show
  • Korean cooking lessons
  • Tea tastings
  • Visit to Namsan park
The in-country excursions are punctuated by in-class language lessons, developed to establish a basic understanding of Korean language.
Many of our teachers visit the friends they make during these cultural excursions. As we place teachers across South Korea, this becomes valuable as you’re able to visit your friends in different parts of Korea and fully experience all that the country has to offer.
Teachers in South Korea on a cultural orientation tour at the Gyeongbokgung Palace.

TravelBud Teachers in South Korea on a cultural orientation tour at the Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Experience Traditional South Korean food - the land of the side dish!

Experience Traditional South Korean food – the land of the side dish!

South Korean traditional Hanbok, characterised by vibrant colors and simple lines without pockets.

Gyeongbokgung Palace Gaurd


What Will I Earn?

As an English teacher in South Korea, you’ll earn $1600 to $1750 per month* (2.1 to 2.3 million Won). * May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility. This will comfortably cover your living expenses and also give you the opportunity to save money!

How much does it cost?

The following costs make up the program fee and are payable to TravelBud before you head over to Teach English in South Korea.
Currency Converter

Change to your currency. Default prices in US Dollar (USD). Please take note that the amount reflected above is based on the current exchange rate and may fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility on the day of being invoiced.

We offer three program options:

In-class TEFL/TESOL Certification, Guaranteed Job Placement, Orientation and Support (Highly Recommended)

The in-class TESOL courses is tailored specifically to teaching English in South Korea and will give you valuable insight into South Korean culture and the specifics of teaching in a Korean classroom.

Enrollment Fee and Support

This secures your spot in a program that has limited availability per course and gets the process started.

Here's what happens next:
  • Your dedicated Support Coordinator will reach out to you to introduce themselves and outline the entire process you'll follow to realise the teaching abroad dream.
  • You'll get to ask questions no matter how silly and arrange calls directly with our support team, while being guided through the entire pre-departure process.

$550 $350

What's included?

Shared Accommodation, In-class TEFL/TESOL, Guaranteed Job Placement, Orientation and our award winning 24/7 support

  • It covers your shared accommodation for your first month in-country.
  • 1 week cultural orientation intended to settle you in to Korea, teach you about the culture you'll be living and working in and spending time with your fellow teachers to build a support network and resource sharing support. Language lessons, history and culture lessons, cooking classes and cultural excursions are all included.
  • 3 weeks of TEFL/TESOL Training focusing on the content and methodologies of teaching English as foreign language as well as a practical component where you'll have a chance to practise your craft.
  • You will graduate with an Internationally Accredited 120 hour in-class TEFL/TESOL certificate that never expires and can be used to teach all over the world.
  • Your 100% guaranteed job placement at one of our partner schools that have been rigorously vetted and meet our standards
  • 24/7 in-country support in the case of any emergencies, whether big or small and a support network to help you and guide you along the way.
  • Free furnished housing, airfare reimbursement, paid holidays, 13th cheque and health insurance coverage.


What's included?


Birthday Sale! $200 USD off!

$3000 $2800


Online TEFL/TESOL Certification, Guaranteed Job Placement and Support

Initial Enrollment Fee and Support

This secures your spot in a program that has limited availability per course and gets the process started.

Here's what happens next:
  • Your dedicated Support Coordinator will reach out to you to introduce themselves and outline the entire process you'll follow to realise the teaching abroad dream.
  • You'll get to ask questions no matter how silly and arrange calls directly with our support team, while being guided through the entire pre-departure process.

$550 $350

What's included?

Initial Program Fee and
120 Hour Internationally Accredited Online TEFL Course

  • 120-hour internationally accredited Online TEFL/TESOL course providing significant instruction on the theories, strategies and techniques of teaching English as a second/foreign language.
Read more about this course

$700 $450

Initial Program Fee and
170 Hour Internationally Accredited Online TEFL Course

  • 170-hour internationally accredited Online TEFL/TESOL course providing significant instruction on the theories, strategies and techniques of teaching English as a second/foreign language.
Read more about this course

$1499 $1299

Final Program Fee, Guaranteed Job Placement and 24/7 Support

  • Your 100% guaranteed job placement at one of our partner schools that have been rigorously vetted and meet our standards
  • 24/7 in-country support in the case of any emergencies, whether big or small and a support network to help you and guide you along the way.
  • Free furnished housing, airfare reimbursement, paid holidays, 13th cheque and health insurance coverage.


What's included?

(120 Hour Online Course)

Birthday Sale! $200 USD off!

$2050 $1850

(170 Hour Online Course)

Birthday Sale! $200 USD off!

$2849 $2649


Already have a TEFL/TESOL Certificate?

Take our Guaranteed Job Placement and Support option

Enrollment Fee and Pre-departure Support

This secures your spot in a program that has limited availability per course and gets the process started.

Here's what happens next:
  • Your dedicated Support Coordinator will reach out to you to introduce themselves and outline the entire process you'll follow to realise the teaching abroad dream.
  • You'll get to ask questions no matter how silly and arrange calls directly with our support team, while being guided through the entire pre-departure process.

$550 $350

What's included?

Guaranteed Job Placement, Cultural Orientation weekend, 24/7 Support

  • It covers a cultural orientation weekend intended to settle you in to Korea, teach you about the culture you'll be living and working in and spending time with your fellow teachers to build a support network and resource sharing support. Cultural excursions are all included.
  • Your 100% guaranteed job placement at one of our partner schools that have been rigorously vetted and meet our standards
  • 24/7 in-country support in the case of any emergencies, whether big or small and a support network to help you and guide you along the way.
  • Free furnished housing, airfare reimbursement, paid holidays, 13th cheque and health insurance coverage.


What's included?


Birthday Sale! $200 USD off!

$1750 $1550

What is included in the TravelBud enrollment fee?

Pre-departure Support

As soon as you pay your deposit, your pre-departure support kicks off. From that moment on, TravelBud will be on call to answer all your questions and provide all the support and guidance you need.

  • Getting the necessary documentation prepared prior to departure
  • Assisting you with all planning, packing, visas, costs, budgets and booking flights
  • Answering your questions to help ease any anxieties you may have regarding your trip.

24/7 Dedicated Ongoing In-country Support

  • On-the-ground support and personal assistance throughout the duration of your teaching experience.
  • In the event of an emergency, we’ll be on hand 24/7
  • TravelBud’s support managers will also check in with you regularly for the duration of your teaching English in South Korea experience.

Lifetime of job placement opportunities

  • Your once-off placement fee guarantees you a lifetime of job placement with TravelBud.
  • If you want to teach somewhere else after your time in South Korea, we will organise job placement for you – as long as you qualify to teach in that country.

Teaching Resources and Support from local teachers

  • Access to online teaching resources such as printable lesson plans and worksheets which will make your job a whole lot easier!
  • There is always a supervisor that teachers can go to for help with their teaching tasks.


What is included in the TravelBud Program fee?

Once you’ve paid your enrollment fee, you’ll unlock all the benefits of your pre-departure support and placement process. The last thing you’ll need to pay is your final fee, this is the remainder of the cost for the program you’re signed up for. Here’s what’s included in that:

  • 3 Week in-class TESOL course with an experienced instructor, tailored to teaching in a Korean classroom, also available as an online course option (if you chose the online option or qualified for the orientation & placement only option on this program, your final fee will have been adjusted to exclude this)
  • 1 Week cultural orientation packed with activities, classes and lessons to help you make the most of your time in the country (If you choose the online TESOL or orientation & placement only options, orientation is split up over 3 weekends, during the early portion of your work contract)
  • Transfer from the airport to your arranged accommodation is included for in-class applicants. You will have to arrive on the Sunday prior to the intake date between 6AM and 6PM, or arrange to meet the rest of the applicants at the airport on the Sunday (if you would like to arrive earlier). In some cases, pick-ups after 6PM can be accommodated, but it’s better if you can arrive earlier in the day. If you arrive at 6AM or earlier in the morning, you may have to wait until more or less 9AM to be picked up. Airport transfers are not included for those opting for placement programs. In some cases, depending on the school, a transfer from the airport to your accommodation may be arranged. If no actual pick-up at the airport is provided, then full guidance and support are given in order for you to make your way from the airport to your front door.
  • SIM card guidance/assistance is communicated online for all program options. The cost of a SIM card is for your own expense – SIM cards are not included in the program fee.
  • Guaranteed Job Placement at a carefully vetted school where every effort is made to match your placement requirements
  • 24/7 in-country support for everything from basic advice to help resolving issues which might arise with your employer or landlord to crisis management in the case of emergencies
  • Access to our teacher network, our TEFL/TESOL education team and a wide array of online teaching resources to help you in your job in the classroom
  • Lifetime placement guarantee ensuring placement on any qualifying program where there is availability on our Asian network for FREE, once you’ve completed your first contract
TravelBud Staff

We understand it’s hard to take this all in.

With TravelBud, you’ll always be talking to someone who has taught or volunteered abroad before, so you’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide and prepare you for your experience.


What are the other costs involved prior to departing?

The above tables detail costs you’ll need to pay TravelBud in order to join the program. You’ll also need to budget for various other expenses, not payable to TravelBud, which allow you to legally teach abroad plus the cost of travel to your destination and insurance for your trip. Our support team will walk you through everything prior to you departing to ensure you have exactly what you need by when you need to have it. The following is what you’ll need to budget for:

Please Note:

Due to COVID-19 rules and regulations, budgets are subject to change. Our team will advise you on all the latest up to date information and pricing.

Currency Converter

Change to your currency. Default prices in US Dollar (USD). Please take note that the amount reflected above is based on the current exchange rate and may fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility on the day of being invoiced.


- Degree notarization and legalization *

* Legalization includes notary (where needed) and apostille service. Cost varies widely depending on the location and service used.

$130 - $200

- Criminal Background Check notarization and
legalization *

* Legalization includes notary (where needed) and apostille service. Cost varies widely depending on the location and service used.

$30 - $200

- Shipping Costs of sending documents to South Korea

$50 - $100

- Visa application fee

$40 - $330

- TB Test (Chest X-ray) for South Africans Only

$150 - $300

Travel Insurance **

You will need to purchase a travel insurance policy that will cover you from the time you depart from your home country and whilst you are setting up your South Korean health insurance. TravelBud is partnered with World Nomads so you are more than welcome to click here to complete our form and receive a quotation for your consideration.

** Cost varies depending on policy and benefits.

$100 - $200

(3 months)

Flights Reimbursed ***

Flight prices vary depending on where you travel from and when you book. Please be advised that a certain amount in accordance with your flight price will be reimbursed by your employer after you start teaching or at the end of your contract.

*** Flights will be partially or fully reimbursed depending on the price and your contract

$450 - $1300


$685 - $2750

Our support managers will assist you with booking flights, finding the best insurance for you and advising you on all the documents costs involved.

What do I need to budget for?

Bear in mind that you will be spending 1 to 2 months in South Korea before you receive your first paycheck. You will therefore need to budget enough money to see you through this period. Of course, the amount of money you need depends on your spending habits, but there will be some costs that come up which are unavoidable. ]In total, we recommend taking at least $1700 with you to start your teaching journey in South Korea. However, you might find that you need more money to suit your lifestyle or to buffer unexpected expenses. Depending on the school you’re placed at, you will receive a $600 to $1000 reimbursement for the cost of your flight to South Korea along with your first paycheck to recoup some of your early expenses. Depending on your school, you might receive this before or with your paycheck. Take a look through our budget guidelines to see what budget suits your spending habits:
Currency Converter

Change to your currency. Default prices in US Dollar (USD). Please take note that the amount reflected above is based on the current exchange rate and may fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility on the day of being invoiced.

Budget for 1 month during the in-class TESOL course in Incheon, South Korea

You will also need to take over enough spending money to cover living expenses during your South Korea TESOL course and first month of teaching english in South Korea.


Your rent will cover your stay at the accommodation for the duration of the TESOL course. One should expect a double or a triple shared room. Payment is to be made before departure, if not included in your program fee. * Price subject to change.

You will pay a deposit of $100 upfront which will be returned to you at check-out.

Deposit: $550


As you will learn on the course, having colorful, creative engaging materials for teaching enhances the experience for your students. During the teaching practical days, you will need to make flashcards, props and possibly some worksheets.

Most teachers spend about 15,000 KRW ($13 USD) on their camp supplies for flashcards, worksheets, activities, and games. You will be able to use these materials once you start teaching at your placement as well.

You will have access to a printer and some materials at the school where we will be doing the course.

$10 - $20


In South Korea, you can find all toiletries like shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc. at many convenience stores.



* Budget is for 4 weekends

$100 - $120


There may be a time after the course when you are required to wait for your VCN number from the Korean immigration Office to be released. We have added an extra 2 weeks to the budget to accommodate for this in the unlikely event that it should happen.

Per day: $20

For 42 Days:$840


$1550 - $1590

Budget for first month of teaching


Your rent will cover your stay at the accommodation for the duration of the TESOL course. One should expect a double or a triple shared room. Payment is to be made before departure, if not included in your program fee. * Price subject to change.

You will pay a deposit of $100 upfront which will be returned to you at check-out.

Deposit: $550


There may be a time after the course when you are required to wait for your VCN number from the Korean immigration Office to be released. We have added an extra 2 weeks to the budget to accommodate for this in the unlikely event that it should happen.

Per day: $20

For 42 Days:$840


In South Korea, you can find all toiletries like shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc. at many convenience stores.



* Budget is for 4 weekends

$100 - $120


$1540 - $1560

Budget Totals


Flights, insurance, documentation (Notarization and Apostille)

$810 - $2530

(country dependent)

course, Placement
& Support

1 month in Incheon, South Korea

$1550 - $1580

Placement Only

Budget for approximately 4 weeks before
your first paycheck.

$1540 - $1560

First month at placement

Budget for your first month at placement.

$1175 - $1225

  • We strongly suggest that you bring no less than $2,500 (if you are entering the country on an E2 visa) or $3,100 USD (if you require a visa run) with you when you arrive in South Korea to buffer any unforeseen costs prior to your first paycheck.
Chat to us if you have questions about budget and spending. We realise that moving abroad to teach English in South Korea is expensive at first, but remember that with TravelBud your teaching job is guaranteed. Once you start earning a salary, your living costs will be comfortably covered and you will be able to enjoy your time Teaching and Traveling in South Korea.

When can I start Teaching English in South Korea?

How long is the teaching contract for?

  • Placements are for a minimum of 1 year and can be renewed if you’d like to stay in South Korea for more than a year.

In-Class TESOL in Incheon, South Korea

TravelBud’s NEW in-class, in-country TESOL course and orientation which takes place over a month and provides the same great tailored experience as the online course with the added benefit of:
  • Being trained in South Korea
  • Doing your cultural orientation in-country to get the most authentic and helpful experience
  • Getting to meet your fellow teachers and locals before getting placed
  • Minimizing culture shock as you get to live your first few weeks with fellow participants and program coordinators


24 March 20258 Spaces AvailableApply
19 May 2025Spaces AvailableApply
28 July 2025Spaces AvailableApply
22 September 2025Spaces AvailableApply
27 October 2025Spaces AvailableApply

In-take Dates for online TESOL course participants:



Students receive their internationally accredited TESOL certificate after completed their course in South Korea.

Students receive their internationally accredited TESOL certificate after completed their course in South Korea.

Korea is not all about cold winters and city life, down South is Jeju Island and it makes for a great escape in your time off!

Korea is not all about cold winters and city life, down South is Jeju Island and it makes for a great escape in your time off!

Arrival & Orientation

Pre-departure Support

As you prepare for your trip, TravelBud’s support managers will guide you through:
  • Packing
  • Visas
  • Budget
  • Travel insurance
  • And any questions you might have to help ease any anxieties during the pre-departure process.

Arriving in South Korea

When you arrive in Seoul, you can count on:
  • Airport pick-up
  • Travel assistance to your accommodation
When you arrive in Seoul:
  • Your accommodation will be organised for you.
  • You’ll be greeted by our in-country partners who will facilitate your transport to your accommodation.

Teaching Environment

Your teaching job is guaranteed with TravelBud. You’ll head off to your new job as soon as you’ve completed your TESOL course.

Watch the video below of Marek from Massachusetts, USA, giving an insight into his teaching English experience in South Korea:

Where will I be teaching?

We can place teachers in:

  • Big or small cities
  • South Korea is highly urbanised so even towns with smaller populations will feel quite developed.

You can teach:

  • Kindergarten
  • Primary (elementary and middle)
  • High school

Keep in mind that placements do depend on what jobs are available.

We will always to our best to accommodate your preferences.

A typical public (government) school in South Korea, you’ll find they almost all have the same facade, right down to the clock, placement of flags and even the sculptures!

A typical public (government) school in South Korea, you’ll find they almost all have the same facade, right down to the clock, placement of flags and even the sculptures!

Marek, an English teacher from the USA, in front of his class. Our placements offer both public and private school options.

Marek, an English teacher from the USA, in front of his class.

Grace with her kids in South Korea.

Grace with her kids in South Korea.

Do schools provide lunches?

Schools sometimes provide lunch options for teachers. You will always have a lunch/dinner break scheduled into your daily routine.

Can I be placed with my friend or partner?

We can do our best to place you in the same town as your friend or partner. You might be teaching in the same school or in nearby schools, depending on the availability of jobs. We unfortunately cannot guarantee that you will be able to be placed together due to a number of factors, but we have previously successfully placed many pairs together (couples, friends etc). 

What are the working hours?

  • You will generally teach for 16 to 20 hours per week. That’s about 4 or 5 hours a day.
  • School hours are usually from about 1pm to 9pm (private schools) and you will be expected to be at the school for the whole duration of that time, but you won’t be teaching all the time.
  • You’ll use your extra time at school to mark, prepare lessons and spend time with the kids.
  • If you teach kindergarten, your teaching hours might be different. This will be communicated to you once your placement has been finalised.

Are there sports or activities after school which I will need to attend?

No, you generally won’t be required to do anything at school after teaching hours.

What type of school will I teach in?

Job placements are available predominantly at private schools. Learn about the difference between public and private schools in South Korea on our blog.

South Korean schools are extremely well-resourced and you will have a local teacher to assist you in the classroom.

Your books and teaching resources will be supplied, although you may want to get creative and supplement with your own.

What if I am unhappy with my job? Can I be placed somewhere else?

If you are unhappy and there are clear reasons why the job is not working out for you, TravelBud will place you in a different job.

We have strong relationships with our partner schools and our applicants are generally very happy with their placements.

We are also available 24/7 to chat about how things are going and will check in with you throughout your adventure.

How long is the teaching contract?

Your placement duration is for 12 months or more. Placements are renewable so you can choose to teach English in South Korea for several years if you’d like!

Do I get any bonuses?

Yes, you’ll receive an end-of-contract bonus pay (13th paycheck).

What is the dress code for teaching?

Dress code is smart-casual – collared shirts for men and conservative for women. Covering the shoulders is especially important for women but the length of skirts and dresses is less of a concern.

South Korea kids are generally well behaved and keen learners.

South Korea kids are generally well behaved and keen learners.

Living Environment

How does accommodation work?

Your accommodation will be booked before you head over to South Korea. Your school will organise your apartment on your behalf so you don’t have to worry about finding accommodation.

When you arrive in South Korea, you’ll be picked up from the airport by our in-country partners and they will arrange transport to your accommodation.

Accommodation in South Korea as well as the majority of Asian countries generally consists of a double bed, TV, bathroom with shower, kitchen, desk, and some living space.

Teachers in South Korea are provided with a 1-bedroom apartment which typically includes all of the aforementioned. It is important to note however that apartments in South Korea and most of Asia are very much open planned with one’s bed, TV and sofa often all belonging in one room while.

Here are 3 videos to give you an idea of our past teachers accommodation in South Korea:

Another example of South Korean accommodation.

Another example of South Korean accommodation.

Magda, a biology graduate from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario in Canada in her accommodation in South Korea.

Magda, a biology graduate Ontario, Canada in her accommodation in South Korea.

Where do I stay if I do the In-Class TESOL course in Incheon?

Your accommodation for your 4-week TESOL course is all pre-booked and sorted for you. Have a look at the photos below to get an idea of the accommodation.

Incheon accommodation. Clean and tidy. Single room options available for an additional fee.

Incheon accommodation. Clean and tidy. Single room options available for an additional fee.

Incheon accommodation. Clean and tidy with everything you'll need for your month long TESOL course.

Incheon accommodation. Clean and tidy with everything you’ll need for your TESOL course.

How much will rent cost?

Rent will vary depending on where you are living, but is subsidised by your school so it is affordable. If you take the in-class TESOL course, the cost of accommodation is $350 payable on arrival.

Will I be living with someone?

If you are placed with a friend or partner, you will hopefully be able to live together. Otherwise, your school will organise a bachelor flat for you.

Let us know what your needs are in terms of accommodation and we’ll assist with finding the best living environment for you.

We’re available to talk you through the whole process!

Why Teach English in South Korea with TravelBud?

It can be scary and intimidating traveling to a foreign country and the complex documentation and requirements can be overwhelming and confusing. We know. We’ve all taught abroad before.
With TravelBud, you’ll always be talking to someone who has taught or volunteered abroad before, so you’ll get informed, first-hand advice to guide and prepare you for your experience.

Pre-departure support

Our support managers will assist with all planning, packing, visas, costs, documentation, booking flights and answering any questions you might have.

24/7 In-country support

Our in-country partners will be available for the duration of your time in South Korea. If you need any assistance or advice, or in the event of an emergency, we’ll be on hand!

Accredited in-class TESOL in South Korea

Including shared accommodation for the duration of your course.

Job Placement Guaranteed

Lifetime job placement with your once-off program fee

If you’d like to move to another program after teaching in South Korea, we will facilitate this at no cost.

Cultural orientation course

Prepares you for your teaching experience in South Korea and introduces you to Korean history, language, politics and culture.

Placement Accommodation, transport and spending money

Chat to our enrollment coordinators for more specific details about budgeting.

Knowledge and advice

Our enrollment coordinators have all taught abroad and have first-hand insights on our teach abroad destinations and programs.


Flight and visa assistance

Travel insurance

We'll assist you with the additional purchase of your travel insurance via our insurance partners.

Teaching resources

You’ll have access to a database of lesson plans, worksheets, flashcards and printable materials for your classroom.


Moving to another country to live and work is a big step and we realise that safety can be a concern.

What do TravelBud staff and teachers say about safety in South Korea?

Our teachers in South Korea (both men and women) report feeling extremely safe in the country. Levels of crime are very low and public services such as transport are very efficient and very safe. Public transport is efficient and safe to use.

How are the authorities?

The police in South Korea will treat you as well as you treat the law. Petty crimes involving brazen debaucherous behaviour are not tolerated and can be dealt with severely. Make sure that you stick to the law and you will find the authorities very helpful.  

Safety Tips

  • Keep an eye on your belongings at the airport when arriving and leaving, as this is one place in the country where petty theft or pickpocketing is sometimes reported.

Teach English in South Korea FAQ

How much does it pay to teach English in South Korea?

If you are in search of a 1 year vibrant experience teaching, traveling and earning great money abroad ($1600 USD to $1750 USD * – 2.1 to 2.3 million Won per month), this is the perfect program for you. In the local currency (paid into a local bank account you will set up in your first month), it is around 2.1 – 2.3 million Korean Won.
* May fluctuate due to exchange rate volatility

Is English spoken in South Korea?

Yes, English is spoken in Korea. There are different levels of English- in cities like Seoul you will encounter people with a high level of English, as opposed to smaller cities or towns. To work for bigger companies in Korea (which is a dream of many Koreans), you will need to have a good handle on English, but it isn’t as widely spoken as Thailand, as there isn’t such an enormous tourist sector. In South Korea, it is good to note that there are certain social restrictions to speaking English, especially to a foreigner. Korean people often believe that your level of English directly indicates your economic background, as having a high level of English will mean that you attended classes at a private academy, or that you have travelled or lived abroad. For this reason, many Koreans are often shy or reluctant to speak English, even if they can.

Are teachers in high demand in South Korea? Why?

Native English-speaking teachers are in high demand in South Korea, mainly because the population is in a tight competition with their peers for jobs and other opportunities. Many young students aspire to study/live abroad, so the parents are more than willing to invest in native speakers to teach their children. The overall hope for South Korea is to train Koreans to replace foreigners. They want the level of English to rise for Koreans, who could eventually become English teachers and eradicate the need for foreign teachers. The reasons for this are largely due to a patriotic outlook from Koreans, but also the fact that they do have a very high level of youth unemployment due to high competition for jobs based on the population size versus job availability.

Do students have to learn English in South Korea?

Yes, it is compulsory at their public schools. On top of their public schooling, many children attend private English academies after school to improve their English.

Do you need a degree to teach English in South Korea?

Yes, you will need a Bachelor’s degree in any field to teach English in South Korea. You may also be accepted if you have a diploma in education specifically.

What is the big difference between language schools, private schools, government schools and varsity?

The basic structure of the school system differs between language centers/private schools and public schools. Language centers/private schools have a bit more flexibility in terms of the curriculum, use of textbooks, and so on. Teachers also generally teach smaller class sizes with students of similar English proficiency levels. Public schools will generally have a set curriculum and textbook work. Class sizes are generally bigger, and students will have varying English proficiencies. Work hours for language centers/private schools are in the afternoons on weekdays, and weekends. Public schools will generally be from around 7:30AM to 4:30PM on weekdays. Read our guide on the Difference between Public and Private schools in South Korea on our blog.

How much money can I save teaching English in South Korea?

It is generally up to your lifestyle (as Western foods, alcohols etc are far more expensive). However, because you rent is paid for entirely by the school, all you really have to pay for is food and transport- both of which can be done very inexpensively if you live like a local. You would probably spend about half your pay without creating any limitations for yourself, but can save more if you live frugally. On average, you can save about $800- $1000 per month. You will also get a severance package at the end of your contract which is one extra paycheck for the amount of years you have worked there, so even if you only stay for 1 year, you will always get $2000 at the end of your contract.

What are the expected tax deductions from your paycheck? Does is differ from school to school?

Tax deductions differs from school to school and it also depends on whether the institution is public or private. Expected deductions are only around 3%.

Do schools pay you a fee/portion of my salary? If so, Why?

No, TravelBud and our partners DO NOT receive a portion of the teacher’s monthly salary.

Do schools in South Korea accept Online TEFL/TESOL certificates?

Yes they do. We recommend the CultureRoute Online TEFL/TESOL Course if you’re looking for an internationally accredited, interactive and highly rated online TEFL/TESOL course.

How long does it take to get a TEFL/TESOL in South Korea?

You have 2 options for South Korea in terms of a teaching certificate. You can do an online TEFL/TESOL course that has to be accredited and at least 120 hours in duration. For an in-class TESOL, you can view our South Korea TEFL course.

What is the main religion in South Korea?

The religion is predominantly Christian (which stems from the involvement of the Western world, particularly the US after the end of the Korean war in 1953. There are a number of Buddhists as well, but the majority is atheist.

Will I get picked up from the airport?

When you arrive in Seoul, you can count on airport pick-up and travel assistance to your accommodation.

Where will I be placed Teaching English in South Korea

We can place teachers in: Big or small cities, South Korea is highly urbanised so even towns with smaller populations will feel quite developed. You can teach: Kindergarten, Primary (elementary and middle) or High school. Read our guide to placements in South Korea on our blog.

Video FAQ

Watch the videos below answering all our frequently asked questions about Teaching English in South Korea. The videos below are in a playlist, so you can click on the playlist icon in the top left of the video player to scroll through all the questions and answers:
  • What happens when I arrive?
  • What is the airport like in South Korea?
  • Can you get a job without a TEFL course?
  • What did you most enjoy about the TEFL course?
  • How many hours per week do you teach?
  • How much vacation time do I get?
  • What other financial benefits are there when Teaching English in South Korea?
  • Can I travel while I’m teaching English in South Korea?
  • What are the best places you can go to in Korea?
  • Why go through TravelBud to Teach English in South Korea?
  • How is the WiFi in South Korea?
  • How do I know a school is reliable?
  • What happens if something goes wrong once I’m in the country?
  • What will my lifestyle be like? How is the foreign community?
  • Is Korea safe?
  • Is it safe for woman in Korea?
  • Why would you recommend teaching English in South Korea?

Reviews from our Teachers


based on 9 recent reviews

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Naturally I was nervous and worried about moving to South Korea, a country I had just heard of in passing. TravelBud were there for me every step of the way. They responded really fast, and gave me all the information I needed. I liked that they broke things down for me into manageable bits. It can get really overwhelming if you don’t have anyone guiding you through the process. Looking back, I am sure that if TravelBud was not there for me I would honestly not be here today. Even though at the time I was based in Tanzania , TravelBud were so good that it didn’t matter where I was. I still got the support I needed. They were so friendly, and caring that they made a process that would otherwise be quite stressful very easy and even enjoyable.

Female - Teach English in South Korea

I found the assistance from TravelBud to be excellent. The staff were very helpful and provided me with very valuable information. At no point did I feel that I could not approach TravelBud with any concerns or questions I had. Their availability to help me at any point was much appreciated. Saskia Smuts was especially helpful and provided excellent support and information which helped me to make well informed decisions. I want like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all the staff at TravelBud very their help and assistance in helping me to have an amazing experience Teaching English in South Korea.

Male - Teach English in South Korea

Moving to any new country to go work can be terrifying and coming to South Korea is no exception. I was overwhelmed with the process of getting to South Korea until I was made aware of TravelBud. The TravelBud staff guided me every single step of the way and I was exposed to quality and personal service all along the process. Their support is also carrying one even now that I am in the country and working. I was very satisfied with their hands on approach in helping me teach abroad and would highly recommend them!

Male - Teach English in South Korea


based on 9 recent reviews

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